Thursday, January 3, 2013


I was thinking about Bob one day a few years ago and the story of BOB popped into my head in verse.  I quickly wrote it down and I kid you not, this is word for word the way it was dictated to my brain by.....what? I do not know.  I am not a poet by nature, though I have written a few sonnets when the mood strikes about every decade or so.  This is a guy I started dating about six months after my separation from my husband of 17 years.  Yes, I openly dated this widowed guy (who had been my boss 20 years earlier but had no memory of me at all) while still married because I could not bring myself to visit another attorney who would tell me to forgetaboutit for various reasons, such as finance, danger to me, etc.  After dating Bob for nearly a year, he drove me to an attorney and insisted that I proceed with what needed to be done.  I did, it was quick and easy.  But the very night of my divorce, Bob proposed.  Read on:

Love is For Another Day

He saw in her a future wife
But that had been another life.
She left the first so she could grow
To a second union she must say no.
He begged and pleaded and ultimated
He wined and dined her til she was sated.
He said, promise me, maybe, in future years
When she refused, he was in tears.
She said, I can't promise, I may never
But let's stay lovers and friends forever.
Goodbye, he said, as he walked away
If you change your mind, call me
Then I will stay.
A few months later, as she enjoyed her life
She saw him walking with his brand new wife.

He did call again about a year later.  He called me at work and said he needed to talk to me right away and could I meet him for lunch.  No mention of his marriage.  So I tried to bring the fact out in the open by saying I could not get away for lunch, how about dinner?  No, he said, I can't do dinner but I need you to meet me for lunch.  I said, no, sorry, I can't.  He said, disgustedly, OK, be that way.  Then he hung up. 

I did finally remarry.  I had wanted to be single for ten years.  Before ten years was quite up, my new husband appeared.  We lived together for awhile and when we married, I had been happily single for 10 years.  

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